RIP Mogens Galberg of SOURPUSS 

2020 Oshawa Music Awards Lifetime Achievement winner
Click to read the story of Mogens from March 24,2020
by Will McGuirk -

Sourpuss Licence Plate

 Click here to Meet The Band:  Band Members

Listen to Sourpuss ".mp3" clips.

Satified and Tickled Too
One Meat Ball
 Tijauna Jail

Sourpuss was an Ontario based 6 piece acoustic band that played roots and traditional blues and anything else that makes them feel good. "Kitchen Music" around the old cook stove. That included a few old favorites, a couple of swing tunes and a bit of folk.  The full band included vocals, mandolin, guitar, stand-up bass, harmonica and percussion.
They began back in the 90's and folded in 2010.  See more on the "Band History" link.

                                                   - Pictures from gigs as
                                               far back as 1998.

                                                    - Photo's by Greg King
  Band Photo's: 
       - Sketches by Bob Froese.
                                                             - Painting by : Gerard Williams

          "ONE MEAT BALL"
       OUR CD:       -Download song samples.

I am Music  The Poem
Band  History:   Read about the History of SOURPUSS